Christian Education

Children’s Sunday School

He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” –Mark 10:14

The Sunday School program of St. Paul’s is one of our most important and beloved ministries. We strive to create a program that gives children and young adults the foundation necessary to build a lifetime commitment to the Christian faith. We help our children learn, understand and grow in their faith in an environment that emphasizes fun and dynamic lessons as well as traditional Bible study.

The way to help our young people get the most out of Sunday School is to provide for them a truly enjoyable experience each and every week!

Classes start every Sunday at 10:15 a.m., and run for approximately one hour. The children meet to participate in weekly devotionals, study the scripture, take part in interactive lessons that help relate Bible lessons to contemporary life, and experience Christian fellowship with their peers. The wide array of teaching methods help engage students and keep them interested each week.

The children also look forward to their big Christmas pageant each year, which takes about a month to prepare for. They enjoy performing every bit as much as the congregation enjoys watching them; it is a continuous pleasure to watch each child grow as the young talents they are.

For more information about the Sunday School program of St. Paul’s, please contact the church office.