Acolytes Ministries

For many young people, their first real immersion into the discipline and formality and yet beauty of the Episcopal liturgy is in service as an Acolyte.  They assist the celebrant in the performance of the liturgy and help ensure that the service runs smoothly. There are several different types of acolytes, each with their individual roles and duties, but each brings something valuable and unique to the experience of our worship.

  • Torchbearers carry candles mounted on short staffs throughout the service. Our young torchbearers usually help lead the procession, just behind the Crucifer, and help light the Gospel as it is read.
  • Servers sit at the priest’s side and help him throughout the worship service in a variety of ways, which include, collecting the offertory, and helping to prepare the Eucharist.
  • The Thurifer enhances solemn masses (special services) by carrying a censer of burning coal and incense at the front of the procession.

The youth of the congregation, their energy and enthusiasm,  are vital to the life of the worshipping community, and it is important for them to feel involved in every way possible.  They take great pride in the role they are playing, and we are grateful for their contribution.

Candidates to serve as acolytes should be nine years old.  Adults also serve at 8:00 a.m. worship and we are grateful for their service.

Our group of acolytes works hard to enhance the beauty of our worship at God’s altar and enjoy the unique connection with God that comes with this ministry.