Christian Rites
If you wish your child to be baptized or you are seeking adult baptism, please meet with the rector well in advance. If you are not a member of this church, we will request that you attend four Sunday worship services and also participate in our coffee and fellowship hour afterwards before deciding whether St. Paul’s is suitable, or a fit, for you and your family. Then you may meet the pastor/rector for more information.
First Communion:
Parents desiring First Communion for their child/children are requested to meet with the rector. There are eight classes, each 45 minutes in duration, to attend in preparation for the First Communion.
Confirmation, also known as Affirmation of Baptism, is a mature and public profession of faith which marks the completion of a course in Bible study and the catechism found in the Book of Common Prayer. The candidates also receive practical instruction in participating as acolytes during services. Completion of this course, followed by the service of the laying on of hands by our bishop, bestows full membership of the confirmands in a local congregation. Currently, an orientation class for candidates and their parents is held in June, followed by required twice-weekly classes for candidates, which end in October.